We have 30-50 hours of content to launch an online hub together with an app that will attract people to the hub.  Sponsors of our cause are greatly appreciated for their support of our ongoing archival productions. It is our goal to give mutually beneficial perks for your support of our latest project: Sedona Connections media production platform. When you choose to support us through video production, your video will also be uploaded on our Sedona Connections Youtube Channel, which has 1,876 subscribers  & 225,570 views.  If you opt for Japanese subtitles your video will also be presented to our Sedona Japanese Concierge in Japan.

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming video productions.

Give us a shout if you have any questions.

In gratitude                                        Robert Dakota: robert@worldviewzmedia.com   www.worldviewzmedia.com 

Examples & Testimonials of our Events and Video work.

Consider Supporting our Archival Productions w/Mutual Benefits