Luxurios Vintage Venetian Mosaic Glass Rug


Luxurios Vintage Venetian Mosaic Glass Rug


As a Mosaic Artist, this Glass Rug is Perfect for a luxury home entranceway.

I was following a trend in Italy where Mosaic Artists were fetching $30k-$150K created mosaic glass rugs. I proved to myself I could locate rare materials create unique designs and work with architects, designers, and builders, to sell these mosaics.

I kept this particular one as it was in the first Sacred Geometry Conference in Sedona 04’ as an altar for the event. It has been the altar for many events. I never wanted to sell a few of my own pieces and this is one of them.

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Vintage Vitreous Glass Rug

Refers to a type of glass that used to be cut by hand before the machines started cutting perfect squares in the 1960s at a cheaper price. Before then all the tiles were cut by hand. You can see they are all imperfect squares.

I went to Italy myself to see how they used to cut the tile in the old ways.

Ravenna, Sienna, Peitra Santa, Italy looking for the old masters. I found them but they wanted 12 years of apprenticeship before teaching any you secrets.

This piece is specifically designed to respond to rotating color light. According to the type of color the feeling of expanding and contraction happens depending on the color of the light.

The center piece I refer to as a Pulsar because of the expanding and contracting effect of the color light. The colors represent Masculine (Perrywinkle), Feminine (RosePink) and Union (Solar Orange).